Can Dogs Eat Nuts?


Question: Can Dogs Safely Eat Nuts?

Verdict: Dependent on the type of nut (see table below for quick reference), and even for safe nuts, in moderation.

Verdict Explanation: While nuts can be a healthy snack for humans, the same is not always true for our canine companions. Dogs can safely eat certain types of nuts in small quantities, such as peanuts, but many nuts like macadamia, walnuts, pecans, and almonds pose health risks and should be avoided. Due to potential hazards like choking, intestinal blockage, and toxicity, as well as high fat content that can lead to pancreatitis, it’s generally advisable to keep nuts out of your dog’s diet and opt for safer, more suitable treats.

Potential Risks of Nuts for Dogs

  • Nuts are generally high in fat, which can lead to pancreatitis and obesity in dogs if consumed in large quantities.
  • Certain nuts like macadamia nuts and moldy walnuts contain toxins that can be dangerous or even fatal to dogs.
    • Symptoms of nut toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, tremors, and hyperthermia (elevated body temperature).
  • The hard shells of some nuts pose a choking hazard, especially for smaller dogs. 
  • Dogs can potentially develop allergic reactions to nuts, similar to humans.

Safe Nut Options for Dogs

  • Peanuts and cashews are generally considered the safest nuts for dogs when fed in moderation and without added salt or seasonings.
    • A general guideline is no more than 1-2 small, unsalted nuts per day for a medium-sized dog. Portion sizes should be even smaller for smaller breeds.
  • Unsalted, dry roasted or raw peanuts can provide protein and nutrients, but should still be limited.
  • Peanut butter is also a safer option, as long as it does not contain xylitol, a sweetener that is toxic to dogs.

This table is a quick reference to whether a particular nut is safe for dogs or not.

Cooking Considerations

  • Cooking nuts, such as by baking or roasting them, can help reduce the risk of digestive issues for dogs.
  • However, even cooked nuts should still be fed sparingly, as the high fat content can still cause problems. 
  • Nuts incorporated into baked goods, trail mixes, or other human foods should be avoided, as the additional ingredients may be harmful to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Nuts with Shells?

  • No, dogs should not be given nuts with the shells still on. The hard shells pose a serious choking hazard and can also cause intestinal blockages or punctures if swallowed.
  • Shells are indigestible for dogs and provide no nutritional value. They should always be removed before feeding any type of nut to a dog.

Can Dogs Eat Nut-Based Products, Like Almond Milk or Peanut Oil?

  • Nut-derived products like almond milk or peanut oil are generally safe for dogs in small amounts, but should be given with caution.

Other Lesser-Known Facts

  • Dogs seem to have a higher tolerance for peanuts compared to other nuts, likely due to their similar protein structure to dog food ingredients.
  • Nut allergies, while uncommon, can occur in dogs, so owners should watch for signs of an allergic reaction when introducing a new nut.
  • Providing a varied, balanced diet is best for dogs, and nuts should only be given as an occasional treat, not a dietary staple.