Can Dogs Eat Eggs?


Question: Can dogs eat eggs?

Verdict: Yes, but moderation is key.

Verdict Explanation: Eggs are safe for dogs to consume and offer numerous health benefits, serving as a high-quality protein source abundant in essential amino acids, fatty acids, and vitamins. However, moderation should be used as too many eggs could lead to side effects such as pancreatitis in some dogs.

Unscrambling the Facts

  • Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins (A, B12, D), minerals (iron, phosphorus, selenium, zinc), and essential fatty acids that support a dog’s health.
  • Studies have shown eggs may help settle a dog’s upset stomach and can even reduce the risk of diseases like cancer, diabetes, and obesity when included in a balanced diet.

Raw vs Cooked Eggs

  • Veterinarians generally advise against feeding raw eggs to dogs due to the risk of salmonella and E. coli infections. Cooking the eggs reduces this risk. 
  • Raw egg whites contain an enzyme called avidin that can interfere with biotin absorption and lead to deficiencies, especially with large amounts. Cooking eggs neutralizes avidin, reducing the risk of biotin deficiency and eliminating bacteria, making cooked eggs a safer choice for dogs.

Digestibility and Nutritional Impact

  • Research indicates that eggs are highly digestible and can be a valuable protein source in canine diets, supporting overall health and condition.
  • Are eggshells safe for dogs?
    • Eggshells can be a good source of calcium and other minerals but should be ground into a fine powder to avoid the risk of choking or intestinal blockage.

What about the risk of allergies?

  • While eggs are generally safe, some dogs might be allergic to them. Signs of an allergic reaction include itching, swelling, and gastrointestinal upset.

Moderation is Key

  • Eggs should be fed to dogs in moderation as a supplement, not as a replacement for their regular balanced diet. Too many eggs can cause issues like weight gain or pancreatitis in some dogs. 
  • The recommended amount varies by the dog’s size, weight, and health status, so it’s best to consult a veterinarian before regularly feeding eggs.